Food establishments are at special risk of fires due to the presence of stoves and other cooking spaces. Basic fire safety protocols must be observed to keep employees and patrons safe at restaurants and cafeterias. Let’s look at some of these basic requirements.
Evacuation space and routes, also known as egress, are a crucial part of the fire safety strategy for your establishment. These must be provided, known to patrons, and maintained. Entrances must be specifically sized for the occupancy load for which the structure is approved. 50 or more people are considered to be an assembly-sized occupancy. An entrance for this sized load would need to be big enough for half to exit through. Other exits must also be accessible, open, and safe. The arrangement of tables and chairs within the food establishment should also be arranged in such a way as to cause no issues with evacuation. Secondary exits should never be blocked in any way.
Fire Alarms
Fire alarms are always advisable but aren’t always required in certain places. You need to check with local authorities to ensure you know all legal requirements regarding fire alarms. Whether or not they are required, this is one step you can take to increase the safety of your food establishment and cut down on the risks of fire damage and injuries.
Sprinkler Systems
There are a lot of factors that are considered to determine whether or not sprinklers are necessary. These can include type, height, and the uses of the building. The type of construction can also be a factor if the building is a stand-alone building or if it’s connected to other establishments. Sprinkler systems are often required for buildings with an occupancy load of 100 or more, but they are recommended for all buildings. You should contact fire sprinkler companies Berks County to get the details on sprinkler requirements for your area.
Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems
Many restaurant fires are caused by cooking equipment. Cooking equipment that produces greasy vapors should be provided with proper ventilation and a fire extinguishing system. Fire extinguishing systems should be UL 300 or equal. These are defined as wet chemical extinguishing systems. They can separate the oil and air for the needed amount of time for cooling. All employees should be properly trained in how to use these devices.
In addition to the above-mentioned measures, it’s also necessary that the place of business have routine inspections performed as well. These inspections should include examination of the cooking equipment, hoods, exhaust systems, and fire extinguishing equipment, including sprinklers. Fire protection companies in Lancaster County can help you with the necessary steps to ensure your food establishment can pass such inspections.
Not only should inspections be conducted, but proper maintenance should also be conducted on all equipment and fire extinguishing systems. You need a fire protection company to help you with these inspections and maintenance. These professionals have the skills and knowledge to ensure that you’re place of business is safe and that the risk of fire has been reduced as much as possible.
Partner with a fire protection company in your area to keep your restaurant safe and compliant with fire regulations. These professionals can inspect your building and advise you on what steps need to be taken to make your place of business safer.
If you want fire protection services, please contact us today. We are your fire prevention professionals, and we are here to help.