Fire extinguishers are crucial safety devices that require periodic maintenance and eventual replacement in order to be ready when needed. Do you need a replacement fire alarm system in Delaware County?
General Replacement Guidelines
Most fire extinguishers can serve for 10-12 years. Actually, the replacement schedule is based on the type of extinguisher, as well as its maintenance record:
- Disposable fire extinguishers: Every 12 years
- Rechargeable fire extinguishers: Can last longer with proper maintenance but should be replaced if they fail inspections or after a maximum of 12 years
Factors Affecting Replacement Frequency
Several factors can necessitate earlier replacement:
- Physical damage (dents, corrosion, leaks)
- Missing or broken parts
- Pressure gauge issues
- Failed inspections or hydrostatic tests
- Exposure to extreme temperatures
Inspection and Maintenance Schedule
To ensure your fire extinguishers remain in good working condition:
Monthly Visual Inspections
- Check the extinguisher is visible and accessible
- Check for damage, corrosion, or leaks
- Check the pressure gauge is in the operable range
- Check the operating pin and tamper seal are intact
- Check the operating instructions are legible
- Take advantage of annual professional inspections
- Check all parts and test pressure
6-Year Maintenance: Rechargeable models must undergo internal inspection and recharging every 6 years.
12-Year Hydrostatic Testing: Pressurized extinguishers require hydrostatic testing every 12 years to ensure the integrity of the cylinder.
Signs Your Extinguisher Needs Replacement
Replace your fire extinguisher immediately if you notice:
- Visible damage, corrosion, or leaks
- A broken handle or missing parts
- The pressure gauge needle outside the green zone
- A missing or outdated inspection tag.
- Proper Disposal
Never throw away fire extinguishers in the regular trash.
Safe Disposal
- For non-empty fire extinguishers: Contact your local fire department or hazardous waste facility
- For empty fire extinguishers: Release all pressure, remove the head, and recyclRemembert an appropriate facility and replacement.
We also provide fire alarm repair in Lancaster County. Remember that time is crucial, and you should replace your fire extinguisher as soon as possible. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and local regulations for the most accurate information about your particular model. Contact us today for more details.