The crime rate in the City of Allentown continued to fall in 2014.
Mayor Ed Pawlowski and Police Chief Joel Fitzgerald announced the decline today at a news conference in City Council Chambers called to release the Police Department’s 2014 Annual Report. It shows Uniform Crime Report Part I Offenses down 10.33% and Part II Offenses down 3.38% from 2013. Part I Offenses have declined from 7176 in 2006 to 4452 in 2014, or just about 31%. 2014 matches 2001-2002 as the lowest period of violent crime in the city over the last 15 years.
The city now has 144 cameras in its surveillance network and seven more are being added. Camera operators in the Allentown Communications Center regularly monitor and record activity in public areas and also monitor particular areas in response to emergency calls. City cameras generated 593 calls for service from monitoring of the network at the Center in 2014.
“The numbers reflect that initiatives we have undertaken are taking a bite out of crime,” said Pawlowski. “Targeted enforcement, new training procedures, better tools and new technology are making the men and women of our department more effective and more efficient than ever.”
Crime Rate Falls Allentown PA